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The Presentation of Art on Television

From professors to journalists: About the presentation of art on NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation), from the sixties up until today.
From the sixties until today, there have been great changes in the ways art is mediated and presented on TV. We believe there has been a development from what you could call ”lectures delivered by professors” in the sixties to the more experience-oriented feature journalism we have today. We also believe one of the reasons behind this to be technological developments in the course of this period.
In this project we wish to concentrate on how the mediation of art has changed in NRK, from the start in its role as a paternalistic public broadcaster to todays situation, with a growing competition for ratings. A relevant way to approach this would be with the aid of a comparative reading and analysis of a selection of programmes from the sixties up until today. For example, Ole Henrik Moe´s ”Tidsbilder i kunsten” (”Portrayals of Times in Art”), from the sixties and the contemporary cultural magazine ”Safari”, to represent todays mode of presentation. We will focus our attention on various aspects of the way art is presented:
- Which type of programmes is art presented in?
- In which way is art presented?
- What sort of art is presented (older art, newer art, popular art)?
- What sort of priority is given by NRK to programmes where art is presented (when are such programmes broadcasted etc.)?

We wish to focus on the development of NRK´s art programmes from the perspective of art history/esthetics and from that of television history. The programmes will be analysed and discussed in the light of of formalistic/structural theories, iconology and semiology. In addition to art-programmes produced outside of NRK, our frame of reference will be the historical development of television programmes.
In the course of this project we will also be looking at what happens to the presentation of art as digital forms of television emerge. Today, digital equipment is used for recording and editing art programmes. How has this affected the presentation of art? How will the presentation of art be affected when digital broadcasting starts? How will the actual work of art survive in the digital age? In order to throw some light on these questions, we will examine NRK´s planning documents and look at experiences and plans from other public broadcasters.


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